Elife Savas


“My mom is my role model. She does not have an education but is a very intelligent woman. It taught me that education can lead you far in life, but personality, character, and values even more.”

Name: Elife Savas
Title: Partner
Company: PwC
Degree: MSc in Business Administration

  1. Introduce yourself, and share a fun fact that makes you unique!

My name is Elife Savas, and I was born the 27th of August 1980. I hold the degree of State Authorized Accountant, M.Sc. in Business Administration from Aarhus University. Today, I am a Partner at PwC. 

  • What do you find most interesting about your career and your leadership position?

Most interesting is the variety in my tasks – both regarding client assignments and teams. In my leadership position the very interesting thing is to have the opportunity to develop my company and my coworkers.

  • What has been crucial to get you to where you are today?

Persistency and believing in yourself is crucial. No career path is just a ride. You will meet difficulties but if you show persistence and believe in yourself you can reach unlimited.

  • Tell us about a female role model and the impact they had on you – either personally or professionally? 

Personally: My mom is my role model. She does not have an education but is a very intelligent woman. It taught me that education can lead you far in life, but personality, character, and values even more and is the core of you. Professionally: I did not have one role model – being a man or a woman. Many personalities have made an impression on me, and I have taken the best of each to create my own self.

  • What advice would you give to young female students today?

Always trust your gut feeling and believe in yourself. Have dreams – big dreams and work hard to achieve them.

  • Looking into the future, what role do you think STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education will have?

Looking into the future is always difficult, but I think we will need the skills this education gives to think critically and find solutions. It is very necessary with all the computer-based solutions we have today and will have more in the future.